Plant and Landscape Systems

Plant and Landscape Systems

     A career in plant and landscape systems offers a variety of job opportunities in the fields of education, research, golf and sports turf, landscape design, parks and gardens, public service, production management, and sales and marketing. Some jobs available include landscape designer, greenhouse manager, golf course superintendent, plant breeder, florist, agricultural chemical researcher and garden center owner.
    Educational requirements in this field vary by job. Two- and four-year programs are available in this area. Advanced degrees may be necessary for some research-related jobs. Those who are interested in this field should be able to carry out projects and work independently, have a commitment to quality and customer service, have an appreciation of our natural environment and have good communication skills, both written and verbal.
     Employment opportunities in this field should be good, with more job openings than job seekers. Employment is expected to increase in response to the increasing demand for both products and services by commercial producers, landscape contractors, turf managers and the general public. New avenues of research in biotechnology to develop plant and food crops that require less fertilizer, fewer pesticides and herbicides, and less water will also increase the demand for careers in plant science and horticulture.

Plant and Landscape Systems Pathway Courses

Basic Agricultural Science and Technology 02.47100 

General Horticulture and Plant Science 01.46100 

Nursery & Landscape 01.47000 

Basic Agriculture Science 02.47100

This course is designed as the foundational course for all Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Pathways. The course introduces the major areas of scientific agricultural production and research; presents problem solving lessons and introductory skills and knowledge in agricultural science and agri-related technologies. Classroom and laboratory activities are supplemented through supervised agricultural experiences and leadership programs and activities. This course is the prerequisite for all AFNR pathways and is intended for students in grades 9-10.
General Horticulture & Plant Science 01.46100

This course is designed as an introduction for the Horticulture-Plant Science Pathway Program of Study. The course introduces the major concepts of plant and horticulture science. Classroom and laboratory activities are supplemented
through supervised agricultural experiences and leadership programs and activities.
Nursery and Landscape 01.47000

This course is designed to provide students with the basic skills and knowledge utilized by the green industry in nursery production and management and landscape design and management. Classroom and laboratory activities are supplemented through supervised agricultural experiences and leadership programs and activities.

Related Pathway Occupations:

Farm and Home Management Advisors

Environmental Scientists



Food Scientists and Technologists

Crop Farmworkers and Laborers

Agricultural Technicians

Nursery and Greenhouse Managers

Other Related Agriculture, Food,

& Natural Resources Occupations:

Nursery Workers

Agricultural Sciences Teachers

Farm and Ranch Managers

Vocational Education Teachers

Average Annual Salary Range

$22,000 - 


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