EOC Course Test Out Option

Dawson County

High School

1665 Perimeter Road  - Dawsonville, GA 30534

(706) 265-6555 - FAX (706) 265-3936


                      April, 2024

                         Dawson County Parents/Guardians: 

                    The Georgia State Board of Education Rule 160-5-1.15 provides an opportunity for students to “Test Out”of  end-of-course (EOC) courses.  Under the provisions of the rule, students may “Test Out” of any course for which there is an associated EOC, and they may also earn credit for the course through that process.  For example, a student may attempt the Biology EOC test prior to taking the course.  If the student reaches the performance level of “Distinguished” (grade conversion score of 92 or higher), the local board of education shall award the student the Biology course credit.  A student may “test out” of any course that has an associated EOC test.  As stated in the rule, students may earn no more than three units of credit by demonstrating subject area competency in the fashion. 

          DCHS End-of-Course (EOC) Courses:

          Algebra I, Biology, American Literature & United States History

         Student Eligibility - Students must meet the following requirements to exercise this option:

  1. Not currently or previously enrolled in the course;

  2. Have earned a grade of B or better in the most recent course that is in the same content area of the course for which the student is attempting the EOC test (i.e. to attempt the Biology EOC, the student must have a B or higher in the most recently completed science course);

  3. Received a teacher recommendation from the teacher of the most recent course in the same content area for which the student is attempting the EOC test; and

  4. Received parent/guardian permission if the student is less than 18 years of age.


  1. Students have only one opportunity per course to demonstrate subject area competency through the test-out option.

  2. Dawson County will utilize the GaDOE designated summer administration window for “test-out” options (exception for students enrolled at Hightower with administrative approval).  ALL EOC “test-out” administrations will be conducted online.


Charles Beusse

Assistant Principal

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