Tiger Anime Club
Dawson County High School

The Tiger Anime Club is a non-profit Dawson County High School student organization dedicated to increasing the awareness of Japanese animation (anime) at school. The cost of the membership is $15.00/year. The money will be use to purchase materials for the club.
We hold free showings for current Dawson County High School students, faculty, and staff. Showings are usually held monthly on Thursday afternoons in room C-14 as well as Club meetings on Friday during Focus according to cluster schedule. Most of our material is subtitled in English, allowing the non-Japanese-speaking viewer to enjoy this rich and varied cultural form. We will maintain a library of Blu-Rays, DVDs, tapes, CDs, and other media for members.
The club members will organize other activities, like attending AWA (Anime weekend Atlanta in February), and MOMOCON (in late May).
The Club has an established relationship with The Art Department as well as with the Foreign Language Department for those further interested in creative, artistic and linguistic connections between anime and the community.

Paola Epstein